White-collar crimes can be classified as a crime that involves stealing money from a company by a person that works in a very important role within that company. The most common white-collar crimes are embezzlement, bribery, bank fraud, blackmail, and money laundering. These can also be called elite deviance, corporate crime, occupational crime, respectable crime, and underworld crime. These names come from the fact that the crimes are usually committed by the people that are higher up in the company that has a high social status. These criminals are not treated as such because of their social status. They have the misconception that they are not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately, these crimes do not get reported as much as other crimes do.
Embezzling is a serious crime that can involve stealing or misappropriating funds from your workplace. The state of Connecticut defines six degrees for this type depending on how much was taken in various cases, with first-degree larceny carrying up to 20k penalties and classification as Class B felonies which asks you to go jail time anywhere between 1-20 years. If you are caught stealing $10,000 – $20,000 then it’s considered second-degree larceny and can carry a sentence from one to ten years in jail. Third-degree larceny refers specifically to when there is embezzled money amounting anywhere between $2,000-$10,000, this crime is classified as a class D and carries a sentence from one to five years in jail. While fourth-degree larceny involves embezzlement of $1,000 – $2,000, this is classified as a class A misdemeanor and it carries a jail sentence of up to one year. Fifth-degree larceny involves the embezzlement of $500 to $1,000 and is considered a Class B misdemeanor. This sentence usually carries a jail sentence of up to six months. Sixth-degree larceny is the embezzlement of $500 or less. This is a Class C misdemeanor and can carry a jail sentence of up to three months. If you are facing this charge and have a bail bond, contact Affordable Bail Bonds now. We can help you.
Bribery is a crime that involves giving something to someone so they will do what you want them to do. It can also be classified as giving or accepting some type of benefit where it violates the power the other person has. Passive bribery can be defined as anyone who offers or promises monetary benefits to a person holding an official position for them to fulfill their private agenda. Some examples of passive bullying are influencing someone’s decisions through the use of money, and fraud against our country (such as persuading officials to overlook violations). Active bribery is when a public official directly or indirectly demands, pursues, and accepts cash for themselves. The United States has rules that prohibit anyone from giving anything valuable to get what they want from their government jobs. This includes both gifts and promises of future rewards if certain tasks are completed on behalf of someone else. Bribery is classified as a Class C felony. You can be found guilty of bribery if they promise, propose, discuss, or agrees to give a public servant any money or any other valuable items that would influence the decision in favor of the person offering the bribe. A public servant is guilty of a bribe if he or she agrees to accept from another person any money or promises to influence a decision in the favor of the person offering the bribe. If a public servant knows of a bribe and does not report it they can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor and face up to one year in jail. If you are facing a bribery charge and have a bail bond, contact Affordable Bail Bonds now.
Bank fraud
Bank fraud is a serious crime that can have major consequences. It’s two forms, the first being when you obtain money or property from your employer through any type of illegal activity like embezzlement – which means taking wages without permission and lying about how much work has been done on their end to get more payouts than what was given originally; while second applies if someone pretends they’re part off an institution such as banks/credit unions in order gain access for themselves not just financial details but also customer relations information including Social Security numbers, etc., then uses this info. Other types of bank fraud can include impersonation of a bank official, money laundering, phishing., stealing checks, forgery, suing fraudulent loans, illegal wire transfers, altering checks, and fraudulent accounting practices. All of these crimes are considered federal crimes under the Bank Fraud Statute in Title 18 of the U.S. Code. This statute states the penalties for these crimes in the United States. Such penalties can include a prison sentence of up to thirty (30) years and fees and fines of up to $1,000,000. The penalties that you face for bank fraud will depend on a few different things. The judge will consider the type of fraud you committed if you have been charged with more crimes related to the fraud and your past criminal history. If you are facing this charge and have a bail bond, contact Affordable Bail Bonds now.
Blackmail is a crime that involves demanding payments from another person for their secrets to remain secret by threatening them. The threats can include causing physical harm, physically injuring the other person, and damaging property or exposure to explicit photos which will ruin their reputation. This is classified as a class B felony and larceny in the first degree. If you have been arrested for blackmail or extortion, you can face up to twenty (20) years in prison, up to $15,000 in fees and fines, and also probation. If you are facing this charge and have a bail bond, contact Affordable Bail Bonds now.
Money laundering
Money laundering is a crime in which criminals take the money they have earned unlawfully and run it through legitimate businesses to hide the fact that this revenue came from illegal activity. Bank employees are presumed to know if their pay or receipt of less than face value for deposited funds, knowing where these laundered proceeds come from by looking at information like fake names associated with them as well as not reporting any transactions whatsoever. After this is done, the cash that was deposited is turned into money orders, traveler’s checks, or wires the money to either another bank or another country. If a bank employee fails to record the transactions, then he or she has laundered money. The government has regulations in place to ensure banks keep records and report all transactions over $3,000 whether they’re domestic or foreign. Any suspicious activity should also be reported at this time. A person is guilty of first-degree money laundering when they exchange money made from criminal conduct that is valued at more than $10,000 for an equivalent property. He or she must intend to conceal that the exchanged property is from the criminal sale of drugs. First-degree money laundering is classified as a Class B felony. If you are facing this charge, you can be sentenced to one to twenty years in prison.

A person can be found guilty of money laundering in the second degree if the money is derived from the criminal conduct of drug sales as a felony charge. This charge is classified as a Class C felony. You could face from one to ten years in prison. Money laundering in the third degree is classified as a Class D felony. You can face from one to five years in prison. If the money came from criminal activity that is considered a felony and the person knows that their actions will hide the criminal origin, they can be charged with third-degree money laundering. Fourth-degree money laundering is classified as a Class A misdemeanor. You face up to one year in jail. This means the value is $10,000 or less and the person knows that the exchange will conceal the money’s criminal origin. The fees and fines for all of these charges will not be more than $20,000. However, the court system can make you pay a fine of up to $250,000 or twice the value of the criminally derived instruments, whichever is greater, if this is your first money laundering charge.
If this is your second charge or more, you can be fined up to $500,000 or five times the instruments’ value. If it is a corporation violating the money laundering law, they are subject to the same fees and fines, but not the extra penalty. If you are facing any of these charges and are granted a bail bond, contact Affordable Bail Bonds now because we can help guide you through this mess
If you or someone you know has been arrested for a white-collar crime, it is important to seek help right away. Judges take these crimes very seriously and will often set high bail amounts. Affordable Bail Bonds can get you out of jail quickly and back home with your loved ones. Our agents are standing by and ready to help. Don’t wait, call us now.
If you need help getting your friend or loved one back on their feet, give us a call at (866) 449-1393