Domestic violence can be considered any act between family or household members that results in physical harm, bodily injury and/or simple assault, aggravated assault or sexual assault. It is also defined as being stalked by someone who constantly threatens you with threats of future violence or physical injury if they do not get what’s owed them emotionally (i.e – hurt).
The term ‘family’ refers to both spouses plus children living at home – this includes step-siblings too! Domestic Abuse happens when one person performs these harmful actions toward another without necessarily involving legally married couples.
If you’re dating and/or married, it’s important to know the legal rights of each individual in an interaction. If someone is being charged with domestic violence crimes- especially against a family member- get help from bail bond professionals immediately! You could be facing long term personal consequences without professional assistance; this will also affect how others view your career path going forward (elder abuse happens more often than most people think).
Sec. 46b – 38c in Chapter 815e covering marriage as per the Connecticut State Law, says the following as per this extract about protective orders and bail conditions.
A protective order issued under this section may include provisions necessary to protect the victim from threats, harassment, injury or intimidation by the defendant, including, but not limited to, an order enjoining the defendant from (1) imposing any restraint upon the person or liberty of the victim, (2) threatening, harassing, assaulting, molesting or sexually assaulting the victim, or (3) entering the family dwelling or the dwelling of the victim.
A protective order issued under this section may include provisions necessary to protect any animal owned or kept by the victim including, but not limited to, an order enjoining the defendant from injuring or threatening to injure such animal.
Such order shall be made a condition of the bail or release of the defendant and shall contain the following notification: “In accordance with section 53a-223 of the Connecticut general statutes, any violation of this order constitutes a criminal violation of a protective order which is punishable by a term of imprisonment of not more than ten years, a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars, or both.
Additionally, in accordance with section 53a-107 of the Connecticut general statutes, entering or remaining in a building or any other premises in violation of this order constitutes criminal trespass in the first degree which is punishable by a term of imprisonment of not more than one year, a fine of not more than two thousand dollars, or both. Violation of this order also violates a condition of your bail or release, and may result in raising the amount of bail or revoking release.”
Difference between a restraining order and a protective order as per Connecticut law: Restraining orders vs. protective order: “Restraining orders differ from protective orders in that the former are civil and can be issued without the accused person being arrested. Protective orders in a family violence situation are criminal and are issued after the accused has been arrested for committing a family violence crime.”
Is getting bail bonds a necessity for Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious offense, and the bail amount set to capture these criminals should be higher than what most people would expect. The person charged with this crime may find themselves stuck in jail for an extended period of time as they await trial under tough conditions where their sympathies might not always go towards them either way due to court proceedings being so far away from home or family members who can’t afford costly travel expenses just because someone needs somewhere safe during off-hours when things calm down at work.
If you’re facing charges of domestic violence, it is best to call an experienced bail bond agent. The professional will listen and ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible while also making sure not too much time passes before releasing someone from jail or prison where they may be awaiting trial simply because their loved one cannot afford adequate defense counsel.
When must you get bail bonds for Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is any act against a person’s dignity, including assault on the spouse; child abuse and endangering children’s safety. Domestic batteries can be committed by anyone who knows or should know that he/she has been charged with battering someone else in his or her family The best way to help stop this problem would really depend upon what kind of harm was done (e.g. emotional damage).
The fine for domestic violence depends on the severity of the impact. If there isn’t much physical harm, you’ll only pay $500! But if your partner has experienced trauma due to this type of abuse and it impacts them emotionally or mentally–that’s when things get expensive: 50K per injury/bodily harm. The violator of your restraining order will be liable for $10000 to $50000 in fines.
The accused cannot afford to pay such heavy fines, which is why they need bail bonds for Domestic Violence.
Sometimes you need to post bail right away and other times it’s necessary for an attorney. If the accused gets arrested, they will be arraigned within 3 full days of being in custody which is a lot longer than normal because there are many processes involved with this type of situation – but don’t worry! You can avoid all these hassles by getting Domestic Violence Bail Bonds so your precious time isn’t wasted during those long proceedings anymore.
If you or someone you know has been arrested for a domestic violence charge, don’t wait another minute. Contact Affordable Bail Bonds, one of the top CT Bail Bond Companies right away and we will help get you out of jail fast. We have years of experience getting bail bonds for domestic violence cases and know the ins and outs of the system. Let us take care of everything while you focus on putting your life back together avoiding personal and professionally damaging criminal charges.
If you need help getting your friend or loved one back on their feet, give us a call at (866) 449-1393