A person who behaves in a wild manner in public has disorderly conduct. In Connecticut, a police officer from the police department or police station can arrest him/her for this but the person in custody can post bail. Bail is a sum of money fixed by the court. The offender finds it difficult to pay bail in most cases. This prevents him/her from appearing in court. Then, the judge issues an arrest warrant for that person. To avoid all this, post Disorderly Conduct Bail Bonds to get free. Call Affordable Bail Bonds, the bail bond agency that is set to revolutionize the Connecticut bail bond scene.
Why Disorderly Conduct Bail Bonds is a must?
2005 Connecticut Code – Sec. 53a-182. Disorderly conduct: Class C misdemeanor.
Disorderly Conduct may look like a minor criminal offense but it is not. The following are examples of disorderly conduct
- Drinking and insulting someone in public
- Fighting in public
- Obstructing traffic
- Knocking on hotel door to disturb a sleeping person
- Bully a person at school
- Incite violence
- Engage in illegal activity
- Arrange for an illegal public setup
- Create noise to disturb neighbors in late hours
- Domestic violence
While the above list is not comprehensive or complete, any CT Judge will take a varying array of aggravating factors into account when deciding what your bail amount should be.
Disorderly behavior can ruin your reputation, career, and status and get you a permanent criminal record. Disorderly Conduct Bail Bonds are the only way to prevent you from getting arrested for this. Contact Affordable Bail Bonds for free bail information and the best bail bonds service.
Why do Connecticut offenders need Bail Bonds for Disorderly Conduct?

Disorderly Conduct under C.G.S. 53a-182 is one of the most frequently charged crimes in the Connecticut domestic violence courts. While it is the least serious domestic violence offense in the Constitution State law books, it is a frustrating experience if you happen to be arrested for this crime.
Connecticut law sees disorderly conduct arrests as less serious compared to any degree of felony arrests. Getting a bail may be easier for these minor charges, however, you may sometimes face a tough judge, in which case, you will need to be aware of the consequences:
- Domestic violence under Disorderly Conduct gets a $500 fine and 3 months in jail
- If you are not lucky, you may get a heavy fine and at least 1-year jail.
- Disorderly conduct can show up as a bad criminal record
What is the Bail Bond process for disorderly conduct charge?
The bail bonds process can be overwhelming at first. You may need to hire a reputed attorney to review the disorderly conduct charges and manage your case but don’t forget to also add a professional bail bondsman to your team. That is where getting a local bail bondsman from a bail bonding services company like Affordable Bail Bonds can help you. For any bail bond questions or more information about the entire bail process and our affordable bail bond service call us today.
Save yourself from this embarrassment of spending days in jail for disorderly conduct. Get the right bail bonds company in Connecticut to beat jail time for disorderly conduct charges. Call a professional bail bonds company like Affordable Bail Bonds that will manage to get you out quickly and easily at any time of day.
Affordable Bail Bonds have the requisite experience and are efficient. They can get you bonded out for disorderly conduct in no time. Need a reputable bail bond agent for getting Disorderly Conduct bail bonds? Affordable Bail Bonds, it is.
If you need help getting your friend or loved one back on their feet, give us a call at (866) 449-1393